List of famous people from all walks of life, categorized into groups like philanthropists, billionaires, gays, transgenders, left handed, bald, atheists, Hispanics and others.
Grouping Of People
With over 7.5 billion people inhabiting our planet, the Earth is undeniably a vibrant place with human beings from different nationalities, races, religions, and communities who hold different ideologies and views. Indeed, it is the diverse backgrounds of different categories of people that make them truly unique in their contributions towards the world civilizations. Over the recent centuries, the way people have traditionally been classified has both blurred and expanded, giving rise to newer categories and groups. Even though all human beings are created equal, grouping of people becomes important from a socio-political viewpoint, especially when it comes to social movements aimed at promoting justice and equality for the minority groups.
There is a reason why achievements by African-Americans, Hispanics, people with disabilities, members of the LGBT section, and other minority groups need to be highlighted. On a lighter note, it is fun to read about famous people who have the same quirk as we do! That is why we also bring to you interesting tidbits about famous people who are bald or left-handed. Read on to learn about the life and works of famous people from all walks of life, conveniently categorized into groups.