Initially a wig-maker, Richard Arkwright later grew an interest in the spinning mechanism, building the Arkwright’s water frame, which used water power to produce cotton yarn. He soon became a name to reckon with in the textile industry, with many mills to his name. He was knighted for his feats.

Robert W. Service was a British-Canadian poet and writer. Popularly called "the Bard of the Yukon," he wrote some of the most commercially successful poetry of his era. A bank clerk by profession, he often wrote while traveling for work. Besides poetry, he also wrote fiction and non-fiction. He was often compared to English writer and novelist Rudyard Kipling.

Laurence Clarkson, also known as Claxton, was a Protestant preacher who led a group of radicals known as the Ranters. He believed morality is attached to actions by the rich to keep the poor under their control. Known for his sexually reckless lifestyle, he later joined the Muggletonians.