Beren Saat is a Turkish actress who has received critical appreciation for her acting since the beginning of her acting career. Some of the awards which she has won include Latina Turkish Awards and Golden Butterfly Awards. From 2008 to 2014, she was the highest-paid Turkish actress. Also known for her philanthropic efforts, Saat works closely with many charity organizations.

Turkish-German actor and model Meryem Uzerli soared to fame playing Hürrem Sultan in the Turkish series Muhteşem Yüzyıl, a role that earned her a Golden Butterfly Award. She has also appeared in German series such as Notruf Hafenkante and films such as Journey of No Return.
Elçin Sangu is a Turkish model and actress best known for her portrayal of Defne Topal in a romantic drama TV series titled Kiralık Aşk, for which she received several awards, including three Golden Butterfly Awards. Over the course of her career, Elçin Sangu has appeared in several TV advertisements and campaigns and is one of the highest-paid actresses in Turkey.

Saint Barbara was an early Christian Lebanese and Greek saint and martyr. She is also known as the Great Martyr Barbara in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Not much is known about her life and work as there is no mention of her in the authentic early Christian writings. She is considered one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers in Roman Catholicism.

Theodora was an Eastern Roman empress who was married to Emperor Justinian. She was one of Justinian's chief advisers; she had a strong influence on Justinian. A saint in the Oriental Orthodox Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, Theodora is commemorated on 28 June. Over the years, she has been the subject of several books, films, and video games.

Known widely as Turkey’s most popular female author, Elif Shafak is best known for her Booker-shortlisted bestseller 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World. A fierce advocate for gender equality and LGBTQ rights, she is also a 3-time TEDGlobal speaker. She now lives in London, on a self-imposed exile.

Hadise is a Belgian-Turkish singer-songwriter, television personality, and dancer. She achieved popularity with her debut album Sweat which earned her Turkey's Golden Butterfly Award and Belgium's TMF Award. In 2009, she took part in the Eurovision Song Contest where she represented Turkey with the song Düm Tek Tek. Hadise has also appeared on popular TV shows like The X Factor.