Rhonda Byrne, noted Australian television writer-producer, was introduced to the New Thought Movement when she read The Science of Getting Rich. It resulted in the production of a pseudoscientific documentary film called The Secret, which was followed in the same year by a bestselling eponymous book. Today she has six titles her credit, which together forms The Secret Book Series.

Franciscan abbess and spiritual-writer María de Agreda was a noted mystic of her era. She served as the spiritual and at times political advisor to King Philip IV of Spain for over two decades and is best-known for the correspondence she had with the King besides reports of her bilocation. She penned 14 books, including the most notable Mystical City of God.

María Álvarez de Guillén was a Salvadoran writer, businesswoman, and women's rights activist. One of the first women from El Salvador to publish a novel, Álvarez was also active in the movement for women's suffrage in her country. María Álvarez de Guillén led numerous campaigns that addressed many social and political issues faced by women.